CEI 2,000 Gallon Additive Tank

CEI 2,000 Gallon Additive Tank



CEI 2,000 Gallon Additive Tank 2,000-gallon Horizontal Skid Mounted Double Wall Liquid Additive System The entire unit is mounted on a skid base. The tank supply pump is a 2 GPM Bearcat pump pushing a flowmeter with a 1hp 1150 rpm direct drive gear pump, 1 ½ inch inlet and outlet and is used to supply liquid additive to the asphalt line. The pump receives a signal from the product blending system controls which drives the pump to the specified percentage of additive that has been set by the operator by using a SIEMENS SINAMICS G120C VFD. Pump includes a 1 ½ inch y-strainer for straining material before the pump and all connecting piping from pump to tank. Tank is heated by a 5kw electric heater. Elements are thermostatically controlled and are designed using a stainless-steel sheathing to maintain the required operating temperature of the additive. All heater controls are included. Heater includes one (1) thermometer that is installed in the tank end for temperature indication and one (1) thermocouple for controlling heat to the elements. The tank has an external ladder and a 2″ internal overflow/vent pipe that exits to the outside of the outer tank and turns downward. It is equipped with one (1) 2″ flanged connection with a 2″ 2-way valve for filling the tank, one (1) 1 1/2″ flanged connection with a 1 1/2″ 2-way valve for supply, one (1) 1 1/2″ 3-way valve for calibration after the pump, one (1) 1 1/2″ flanged connection for return with 1 1/2″ 2-way valve and one (1) 2″ drain connection for draining tank. The outer tank has one (1) 2″ vent/overflow pipe and one (1) 1 1/2″ inspection port with valve. The tank also has a high-level float with a rod and proximity switch. If the high limit switch trips, an indicator light on the panel box lights letting the operator know the tank is full. This will prevent overfilling the tank and running product out on the tank and ground. **Brand new. Never put in service.*


Stock NumberGTB-5551J

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