CMI Portable Single Bin Recycle System

CMI Portable Single Bin Recycle System



DESCRIPTION: CMI Model #PRS-120 Portable Single Bin Recycle System. Portability includes landing jacks, kingpin, and transportation package on a dual axle dual tire configuration. Additional features and specifications are as follows:


·         Single 8’ x 14’ Bin Opening

·         Air Blaster and Vibrator on Bin

·         30” wide x 9’ long Inclined Belt Feed Conveyor

·         Gooseneck mounted 30HP Twin Shaft Lump Breaker

·         24” wide x nominal 30’ long belt Collecting Conveyor

·         4’ x 8’ Single Deck Screen

·         24” wide x nominal 55’ long Feed Conveyor with Belt Scale and Gravity Take-Up

·         Control Panel for bins and collecting conveyor mounted on frame

·         Unit furnished with gooseneck on front

·         Dual axle with dual tire configuration portability


ManufacturerCMI Portable Single Bin Recycle System
Stock NumberSSS-5662K1

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