Gencor®/Bituma® 400 Total Ton Stationary Silo System

Gencor®/Bituma® 400 Total Ton Stationary Silo System



Two (2) Gencor® / Bituma® 200 Ton Silos

      Model 200TD-138-583-83-NA

      Fully Insulated and Skinned

      Top Mounted Batcher Assembly

      Electric Gate Heat

      Dual Clam Gate style discharge

      Fully Enclosed Cone

      12’ Drive Thru width

      12’-4” Drive Thru height


Bituma® 300 TPH Main Drag Slat Conveyor

      Model #300TPHSC-88395-83-NA

      Heavy Duty Main slat measures 28” wide x 36” deep inside box

      Single Strand 6” pitch roller chain with 6” tall x 24” wide slats

      Cast Floor Liners

      Electric Floor Heat

      Reject System

      Maintenance/inspection walkway (with handrail) along both sides of the slat


Gencor® 400 TPH Bintop Transfer Conveyor

      Model #400TPHTC-14-1617-00-NA

      Factory rated @ 400TPH.

      nominal 14’ long overall length

      Pneumatic Flop Gate


Truck Scale

      Above ground / Steel

      Nominal 10’-8” wide x 100’ (ships in four sections)


ManufacturerGencor®/Bituma® 400 Total Ton Stationary Silo System
Stock NumberSSS-5665L

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