Astec 300TPH Counterflow Portable Drum Plant

Astec 300TPH Counterflow Portable Drum Plant



1985 Astec Portable Drum plant is equipped as follows:

  • Astec Counterflow Portable Drum Mixer with recycle collar and Hauck Long Nose ESII-100 MBTU Burner and Blower. The Drum Shell is a nominal 8’-6” diameter x 46’ long. Trunnions and drum tires installed new in 2023. Capable of up to 30% RAP. Drum rebuilt in 2019. Mounted on a heavy beam frame equipped with a triple axle suspension.
  • Astec Portable Four Bin Cold feed system. Each bin measures a nominal 10’ x 14’ and is equipped with 30” belt feeders and 3 HP drives. Also included are liners in all bins, top mounted, removable bin extensions and a built-in load side bulkhead.  Individual 3’ x 4’ scalping screens factory mounted under each bin.  The integral collecting conveyor is a 30” belt width x nominal 80’ long and includes a belt scale and wind guards with inclined head section. Pre-mounted and wired control panel.
  • Astec 24” belt width x nominal 40’ long Virgin Aggregate Feed Conveyor feeds the drum.
  • Astec Portable Pulsejet Baghouse with mounted Knockout Box Primary. Nominal 50,000ACFM. Mounted 200HP exhaust fan, and ductwork are also included. Dust return system included. Baghouse and Knockout Box are integrally mounted on a heavy-duty triple axle frame.
  • Astec Portable Dual Bin RAP System. Each bin measures a nominal 9’ x 12’and is equipped with 30” wide x nominal 15’ long inclined feed conveyors, individual 3’ x 4’ Scalping Screens and Grizzlies.  A 24” x 15’ long collector conveyor feeds a 24” x nominal 60’ long self erect feed/Scale conveyor equipped with gravity take-up assembly, wind guards, belt scale, and hydraulic adjustment.  All components are mounted on a heavy-duty Tandem axle frame and chassis.
  • Astec 12’ wide x 24’ long stationary Control House with Motor Starters and Breakers. Stansteel Accu-Track Plant Operating Controls installed in 2019and Hauck Burner Controls.
  • Astec Stationary 300TPH Main Drag Slat. Double 4” pitch chain with 100HP drive system. Drag rebuilt in 2022.

Additional Information.

  • Plant ran at current location from 2019 until December 2023.
  • Additional spare parts are available including new chain and slats.
  • Currently on the ground and staged for loadout!


ManufacturerAstec 300TPH Counterflow Portable Drum Plant
Stock NumberSSS-5667

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